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Revolutionising Rock Breakage Characterisation: The Geopyörä Breakage Test

In the ever-evolving mining industry, efficiency and cost-effectiveness in mineral processing are paramount. Geopyörä, a groundbreaking approach to rock breakage characterisation testing, designed to revolutionise the way mining companies assess large quantities of samples. Developed for geometallurgical applications, comminution design, and control, Geopyörä stands at the forefront of innovation, offering a low-cost solution for testing…

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Glencore Technology release Albion Process™ Calculator

Glencore Technology have recently released a free online calculator for the Albion Process™! You simply enter your feed inputs and known operating costs, and within minutes, you will receive an estimate of Capex, Opex and a high-level overview of the equipment list required. “Albion Process™ really is the best leaching solution when you hit sulphides,…

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Core Resources Marks Double Milestone in Australia’s Resources Industry

It’s a double celebration at Core Resources as the Australian resources company celebrates its 20th birthday and more than 40 years of innovation at its iconic Brisbane metallurgical testing laboratories. If you are wondering how a 40-plus-year celebration came to be, Core Resources Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Rob Coleman explains. “A group of Australian…

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Core features in Austrade & Austmine’s Accelerating Sustainable Mining report

Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and Austmine recently released an Accelerating Sustainable Mining report in which Core Resources Pty Ltd is featured in a case study on novel ion exchange for retreating mining wastes. The publication showcases Australia’s sustainable mining expertise to the world and is a valuable resource for international organisations seeking innovative and proven solutions that can…

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Core’s Chair, Jonathan Loraine, presents at IMARC 2023

Core Resources, along with Mipac, Interlate and Grease Boss, discussed Process Design and Optimisation for Critical Minerals at the 2023 International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) Mining Innovation session in the Trade and Investment Queensland METS Showcase. Core’s Chair, Jonathan Loraine, presented on Core’s 20 years of involvement in the development of critical minerals and some of…

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Core Resources announcement on Toowong Process Technology

Core Resources is pleased to announce that its proprietary Toowong ProcessTM Technology has been acquired by a leading resources group. The Toowong ProcessTM safely removes arsenic, antimony and other impurities from copper concentrates. At the heart of the process is a patented Alkaline Leaching (AL) step that selectively solubilises key penalty impurities. The process produces a…

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Core Resources Opens New Flotation Laboratory

This month Core officially opened our new dedicated flotation room as part of an upgrade to our laboratory, thereby expanding our capacity to deliver quality flotation testing for our clients. All of the various equipment used in flotation testwork are now in one location including our mills, float cells, filters and particle sizers. Our team…

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Core IPEX Improved It’s Ultra-Pure Vanadium Technology

Core IPEX has made excellent progress with refinements to its UltraVan ion exchange technology for recovery of high purity vanadium compounds from waste streams. Improvements include better control over contaminants introduced by reagents and from the entrainment of process liquids during cycle transfers. The effectiveness of these measures was successfully demonstrated in the piloting facilities…

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Core Resources Support for White Dam Gold Operation in South Australia

Core Resources have recently been supporting the White Dam Gold Operation in South Australia. With Core’s assistance, GBM Resources is currently earning a 50% JV interest in project cashflows from existing owner Round Oak Minerals. Mining has completed at site, and residual metals are being heap leached. High copper tenors are affecting gold leaching, and…

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Metallurgically complex mineral resource
Making a Viable Project Out of Complicated Metallurgy

Do you have a metallurgically complex mineral resource? Core Resources is a specialist metallurgical flowsheet development group with the experience and genuine process engineering capability needed to develop real-world solutions for difficult resources. We’d love to hear about yours! Your resource could be a primary ore resource, a process bleed stream, or a tailings or effluent stream.…

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