Core Resources is a Registered Research Service Provider
Registered Research Service Providers (RSP) are specialist organisations registered with the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science to undertake R&D on behalf of, or under contract to, their clients.
Core Resources is a Registered Research Provider allowing our clients to access expertise, resources and capability to conduct their R&D. As a RSP, all eligible R&D expenses can be claimed, subject to certain criteria, through the R&D Tax Incentive.
Our clients can claim the tax offset for expenditure paid to a registered RSP to perform their eligible R&D activities even if their total claim is less than the usual expenditure threshold of $20,000 in an income year.
Each RSP registered with the program has met specific criteria and must have the capacity and capability to provide research services in the fields of research for which they are registered. They must also have appropriate staff, facilities and pricing structure. Core meets all of these requirements and is a perfect partner for all of your R&D requirements.
More information can be found here.