Project Definition Services
Although this step may seem relatively simple, defining a “project” can become complex and even controversial if a mining project is large, has several phases, or involves multiple commodities.
Core Resources are experienced in undertaking technical reviews of
newly identified mining projects.
We have an expert team of metallurgists and process specialists with operational backgrounds who can offer practical expertise in defining and evaluating projects.
Our aim is to provide the early project definition to support the project development strategies by providing appropriate analyses and interpretations.
Our focus is to identify areas of risk and provide clients with cost-effective and time-effective processing opportunities.
The key project areas to be considered during project definition include exploration, geology, resources, reserves, mining, processing, capital and operating costs, and risk evaluation.
Our approach in project definition is as follows:
- Review the resources and reserve tonnage and grade estimates.
- Review the structural setting of ore deposits and the accessibility of the ore.
- Review the geology and mineralogy of the deposit. Such analyses include the determination of rock type, lithology, alteration, primary and secondary mineralogy, the availability of acid-producing/neutralising and metal-leaching minerals (liberation, e.g., veins, disseminated, encapsulated, etc.), and the locations and dimensions of oxidised and unoxidised zones in the deposit.
- Review the geochemical characterisation of materials and distribution of material in deposit.
- Identify the valuable metals and impurities, and estimate the volumes of each type of material to be generated.
- Assess the potential ore beneficiation methods including gravity concentration, physical separation, flotation, leaching, precipitation, solvent extraction, electrowinning and crystallisation.
- Recommend the sample selection for bench-scale sighter laboratory testwork.
Contact us to see how we can assist with defining your project.