Optical Mineralogy Services by Core Resources

Optical microscopy of thin sections produced from rock chip or drill core samples can be used to provide an insight into host rock mineralogy and the morphology of minerals that are of economic interest.

Much like automated electron microscopy analysis, this information can be valuable in determining optimum grind size and potential beneficiation pathways at the early stages of a project.

Samples of concentrate or tailings taken during testing can be mixed with epoxy resin and polished, allowing for closer inspection using reflected light microscopy of opaque minerals such as sulphides.

Such analysis can be valuable in identifying whether the loss of valuable metal to tailings is influenced by the size, shape, or liberation of target minerals. It therefore provides an additional layer of information that cannot be obtained through conventional chemical assay methods, which can be invaluable in identifying losses in flotation circuits or incomplete extraction in a hydrometallurgical leach process.

Core has the following optical microscopy equipment: