Core Led the Recommissioning of an African Gold Plant in 2015

From mid-2015, Core has been leading the recommissioning of a gold processing plant at the Consolidated Murchison Gold/Antimony mine in South Africa.  In November this year, the operation achieved the milestone of the first gold pour (pictured in the hands of Core’s Rod Ventura) from the recommissioned plant.

Stibium Mining entered an agreement in 2015 to acquire the mine, after the previous owners placed the mine in administration in 2014. The recommissioning of the mine by Stibium has led to the re-engagement of 200 local employees at the operation.  Core Resources has been engaged to assist Stibium with several aspects of recommissioning the 600,000  tpa tailings retreatment operation (with a planned expansion to 900,000 tpa). The work carried out by Core has been substantial and includes:

  • Assisting in developing the strategy for the recommissioning, focusing on gold production from an onsite tailings dam, ahead of an antimony production project.
  • On-site leadership and management of the recommissioning of the processing plant.
  • Overseeing an expansion project that will see the throughput increase from 50,000 t/month to 75,000 t/month.
  • Identifying and managing key equipment upgrades and installations.
  • Extensive training of local operators.
  • Core’s CEO, Peter Rohner, has also played a key role in investor relations and assisting in securing finance for the project.

Three of Core’s senior personnel have been on site at the operation on a rotational basis since June 2015, providing on the ground leadership to the re-commissioning.

Key challenges have been managed by Core including development of analytical capabilities on site to correct erroneous third party assays of gold on carbon.  Core has led the development of the gold-pouring capabilities on site – and we are thrilled to have played a key role in helping Stibium and “Cons Murch” reach this important milestone.

Core is now leading the development for an antimony recovery project to take advantage of the significant antimony resource available in the tailings dam on site.

The project is a demonstration of the expertise of Core’s senior staff in providing high value leadership in getting operations moving.

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