Latest Update on the Toowong Process As Of July 2018

Toowong Process

The mining industry worldwide is wrestling with the challenge of increasing arsenic, antimony and other contaminants in base metals concentrates. There are ever tighter restrictions on the shipment, importing and treatment of contaminated concentrates, at a time when sources of clean concentrate for blending are drying up.

The Toowong Process has been developed as an integrated, hydrometallurgical process for selectively removing contaminants from concentrates, and disposing of residues in a safe and environmentally stable form. Continued process development at Core has achieved substantial cost reductions, such that arsenic removal costs to produce a clean copper concentrate may be as little as 15 cents per pound of saleable copper. This has attracted the interest of miners, smelters and commodity traders worldwide.

We welcome inquiries from parties who may be interested in evaluating this revolutionary solution to the world’s arsenic problem.

Further information on the Toowong Process can be viewed here.

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