Core Resources Webinar About Plant Opportunity Assessments

Core Resources last week presented the first in a series of technical webinars that provide practical and innovative technical solutions for minerals processing and hydrometallurgical projects at every stage of development. The topic for the first webinar was Plant Opportunity Assessments.

Plant Opportunity Assessments:
Core has seen firsthand the challenges faced by operations and maintenance teams focused on day-to-day operation and “fighting fires” which leaves them with little time or tools to analyse plant delay data to derive deeper insights.

This, coupled with either inadequate data capture systems, varying sophistication of recording protocols and quality/consistency of inputs, are all barriers to enhanced defect elimination and operational improvement.

By conducting an opportunity assessment, Core can support the identification, quantification and reduction/elimination of causes of controllable downtime, that is, sources of delays related to either equipment reliability, operating conditions, or management practices. Reducing sources of downtime, and therefore increasing annual uptime, can significantly increase revenue and improve the overall metallurgical performance of a plant through less process disturbances and better equipment performance.

About the presenter:
Kim Ngoviky has 20 years of international consulting experience across the mining, metals and infrastructure sectors with expertise encompassing management consulting, process and project engineering, design, study and project management, and asset management. The last 6 years of his career focused on process engineering and projects delivering cost optimisation and operational improvement for mineral processing plants, heavy mining fleets, and ports & infrastructure for various clients.

If you missed the webinar a recording can be viewed here.

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